Sunday, April 19, 2009

Walking (errr most of the time) for the March of Dimes

I had fun walking in the March of Dimes.
Jenny and I caught a ride with the Sheriffs, needless to say
we completed the ride in no time at all.

Monday, April 13, 2009


I never realized how cool Bambi was until I got up close and personal with them. I learned alot about these graceful creatures and the business that involves them. Genetics is a HUGE important part of it. Basically the goal is to create the biggest, superbeing, powerful deer that this planet has ever seen. Sheez now that I think about it, I could of been eaten by one of these monsters.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The UN should run like the farm

It's amazing to me how well everyone and everything gets along together on a farm. Granted once in a while there is a squirmish (dogs vs. cats or dogs vs. chickens). Even with these short squirmishes peaces still exists amongst everyone at the end of the day. Now why can't the UN or the whole world for that matter run like this. Think about it natural predators co-existing together in one community able to get over disputes and move on.
Well today I had a very Suess inspired lunch. I had a hard boiled green egg and some ham. It didn't hit me until after a couple of bites did I realize, Whoa. Green eggs and ham.

I am happy to report that Josh is now the proud parent of new baby chicks, turkeys, and ducks. I will try to take pictures of their progress since this whole farm life is new to me. Josh did inform me that one turkey has passed on. I've learned not to name animals I can eat because it would be very hard to consume them. Right now there is a cow I like to play around with, who will occasionally lick my hand. He is number 8 according to his tag and that is what I call him. All I want is for him to plump up so that he can be my steak. So number 8 it is.

Friday, April 3, 2009

first post

Not that anyone really cares to read what I have to write. I thought I would start blogging to get things of my chest. I wish I was clever or imaginative, but english grammer was never my strong suit.